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Entity Crud

In Nodeeweb each entities are handle with Entity Crud which register default crud controllers and services with a lot of options

Table of Contents


there is a Entity Creator that create specific crud router, and we use registerEntityCRUD as it factory method to create, initiate and config.

function registerEntityCRUD(
  modelName: string,
  opts: EntityOpts,
  registerOpt: ControllerRegisterOptions & { order?: boolean }

opts defines what crud routes we have and how it must configure

type EntityOpts = {
  [CRUD.CREATE]?: EntityCRUDOpt;
  [CRUD.GET_ALL]?: EntityCRUDOpt;
  [CRUD.GET_ONE]?: EntityCRUDOpt;
export type EntityCRUDOpt = {
  crud?: Omit<CRUDCreatorOpt, 'httpCode'>;
  controller?: Partial<ControllerSchema> & {
    beforeService?: MiddleWare | MiddleWare[];
export type CRUDCreatorOpt = {
  parseFilter?: (
    req: Req
  ) => mongoose.FilterQuery<any> | Promise<mongoose.FilterQuery<any>>;
  parseUpdate?: (
    req: Req
  ) =>
    | mongoose.UpdateQuery<any>
    | Promise<mongoose.UpdateQuery<any>>
    | mongoose.UpdateWithAggregationPipeline
    | Promise<mongoose.UpdateWithAggregationPipeline>;
  parseBody?: (req: Req) => any | Promise<any>;
  paramFields?: {
    id?: string;
    offset?: string;
    limit?: string;
    slug?: string;
    | {
        [key: string]: string;
    | ((key: string) => string | undefined)
    | boolean;
  sort?: { [k: string]: mongoose.SortValues };
  project?: mongoose.ProjectionType<any>;
  executeQuery?: boolean;
  sendResponse?: boolean | ((result: any, req: Req) => any | Promise<any>);
  saveToReq?: boolean | string;
  httpCode?: number;
  forceDelete?: boolean;
  autoSetCount?: boolean;
  populate?: mongoose.PopulateOptions | mongoose.PopulateOptions[];
  type?: CRUD;
  model?: string;

export enum CRUD {
  GET_ALL = 'getAll',
  GET_ONE = 'getOne',
  GET_COUNT = 'getCount',
  CREATE = 'create',
  UPDATE_ONE = 'updateOne',
  DELETE_ONE = 'deleteOne',

by default deletion not delete entity only change active attribute into false

registerOpt use default controller options combine with order that show order of crud registration if set true follow this order:

  1. Create
  2. Get count
  3. Get One
  4. Get All
  5. Update One
  6. Delete One

otherwise order of opt initiate

Default Options

Entity crud handler merge each options with default option

  executeQuery: true,
  sendResponse: true,
  saveToReq: false,
  autoSetCount: true,
  queryFields: true,


try to register post entity

const access = { modelName: 'admin', role: PUBLIC_ACCESS };
      create: {
        controller: {
      getCount: {},
      getOne: {},
      getAll: {
        crud: {
          paramFields: {
            limit: 'limit',
            offset: 'offset',
      updateOne: {
        controller: {
      deleteOne: {
        controller: {
        crud: {
          forceDelete: true,
    { from: 'ShopEntity' }