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Nodeeweb provide some functions which communicate with store and it is a best practice that other modules not modify store object by itself


  • AuthUserAccess: built-in controller access that check authentication regardless model name
  • OptUserAccess: built-in controller access that optional authentication
  • AdminAccess: built-in controller access that allow only admin role
  • signToken: sign jwt token
  • verifyToken: verify jwt token
  • tokenSetToCookie: received signed token and set it auth key cookie in response
  • clearTokenCookie: clear all auth token cookie
  • registerAuthStrategy: register auth strategy into store
  • unregisterAuthStrategy: unregister auth strategy from store
  • extractToken: extract token first from header, then from cookie


  • registerConfig: register config into store


  • controllerRegister: convert schema into express middleware, register into
  • controllersBatchRegister: register batch of schemas (use controllerRegister inside)


  • getEntityEventName: convert entity name into related crud events
  • EntityCreator: concrete class of Entity cruds
  • normalizeCrudOpt: merge options with default one
  • registerEntityCRUD: get crud opt and controller opt then create controller schema base on and register it with controller register


  • errorHandlerRegister: register global error handlers, by default register not-found and un-catch error handlers


  • registerEvent: register observer into event emitter


  • Logger: Nodeeweb concrete logger
  • createLogger: factory method of Logger
  • expressLogger: an instance of Logger which designed for express requests ( use morgan in underwood )


  • getPluginEventName: convert plugin type into event name
  • handlePlugin: read plugins from local storage
  • registerPlugin: register plugin into store
  • unregisterPlugin: unregister plugin from store

Single Job

  • SingleJobProcess: grantee that single Nodeeweb instance processor run this job
  • waitForLockFiles: return a promise that resolve when all single job process done
  • clearAllLockFiles: clear all locks that created by single job


System Notification

  • registerSystemNotif: register received system notification into store
  • unregisterSystemNotif: unregister received system notification into store


  • uploadSingle: return collection of middlewares which handle upload request (use multer underwood)



  • registerTemplate: register StoreTemplate object into store
  • unregisterTemplate: unregister StoreTemplate object form store
  • registerRoute: register StoreRoute object into store
  • unregisterRoute: unregister StoreRoute object from store

templates and routes are served on /config/website API gateway